MD Anderson Bound on Friday!

I received the good news that I am scheduled for my craniotomy on Monday, August 14. I don't have a time but I'll be checking into the "Brain Suite" at some point and having my right frontal lobe removed. Oddly, this is really exciting for me?

We will be driving into the Houston on Thursday night because Friday is a fully lined up with pre-op appointments. Like...filled with appointments starting at 7:45 a.m. and ending around 2:30 p.m. Very fun. Friday's appointments include things like my MRI, blood screenings, a consult with the anesthetist, and ending the day with my neuro-surgeon.

We've decided that Jeff and the boys would come to Houston on Thursday and we'll be staying there through surgery and they'd come back to Austin Monday evening. I'll be in the hospital being well taken care of with our Houston family and friends visiting me throughout my in-patient recovery.

I'll be at MD Anderson for a minimum of 3 days post surgery.

In another wonderful blessed red-twine moment, we have a beloved daycare provider, Michelle, here in Austin who coordinated a backup should we ever need one, named Katie. We ended up going to Ms. Katie for over a month while Michelle was on maternity leave from having her littlest, Amelie. Ms. Katie is awesome - we were sad to hear last month that she was moving to Houston.

I'm happy to say that Ms. Katie moved to Pearland last month! 25 minutes from MD Anderson. She's going to watch our boys on Friday and Monday so we know they'll be comfortable, familiar, and in excellent hands - similar to me!

We've got a lively bunch planning to be in the surgical waiting area and a heck of a communication plan going. Jeff will update my Facebook page and Jenny has agreed to post a guest blog here with status and updates. We're expecting a minimum of 5 hours in surgery - so check out the site early to mid afternoon.

As for me, I will be heavily medicated and half brained, so I'll be luxuriating for a full week off of work. I have a coloring book, colors, and my brand new iPhone 7 plus.

I ask that you keep the awesome prayers coming my way. I'll take whatever I can get in whatever religion or belief you have. Pray that the #ToomaRemoova's hands are swift and accurate and precise and that we find the perfect balance of removal.


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